Dr. M.M. Sinha

Basic Details


Dr. M.M. Sinha






Phone (O)







mm_sinha@rediffmail.com, mmsinha2005@yahoo.co.in

Educational Details

Educational Qualification

B.Sc. (Hons.) – 1980 – St. Columba’s College Hazaribagh (Ranchi University, Ranchi)
M.Sc. (Solid State Physics as special paper) 1983- Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur
M.Phil. (Thin films) -1985- University of Delhi, Delhi
Ph.D. (Lattice Dynamics) -1990- Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Post Doctoral Fellow – 1990-1995- Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Visiting Scientist- 1998,1999- Okayama University of Science, Japan
Visiting Scientist – 2002-2003 – Chonbuk National University, South Korea



Professor: SLIET Longowal since September 2010
Associate Professor: SLIET Longowal from September 2007 to September 2010
Assistant Professor: SLIET Longowal From September 2004 to September 2007

Sr. Lecturer: SLIET Longowal From September 1999 to September 2004
Lecturer : SLIET Longowal From September 1995 to September 1999

Research and Teaching experience:
35 years of Research Experience after Doctoral work
30 Years of Teaching experience
Research Guidance
Ph.D. Thesis supervised (09-awarded, 02 -in progress)
M.Phil dissertations supervised (01- awarded)
M.Sc dissertation supervised (14-awarded)


The following students have obtained their Ph.D. degree under my supervision at SLIET, Longowal (Punjab)

1. Dr. Anupam Deep Sharma (2013) “Phonon properties of superionic and proton conductors”
2. Dr. Ruby (2014) “Study of phonon properties of multiferroic materials”
3. Dr. Shaveen Garg (2014) “Lattice dynamical studies of … complex structured compounds”
4. Dr. Daljit Singh (2016) “Lattice dynamics of group-III nitrides in various phases”
5. Dr. Harleen Kaur (2016) “Lattice dynamics of various phases of silicates….. earth’s mantle”
6. Dr. Pradeep Bhatia (2021) ” Optical properties tunability of magneto- Plasmonic Nanostructures”
7. Dr. Yuhit Gupta (2021) ” Structural, Electronic and Lattice Dynamical Study of Novel Alloys- A First Principle Approach”
8. Dr. Tavneet Kaur (2021)”An Ab Initio Study of Structural, Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Multifunctional Materials”

9. Dr. Megha Goyal (2024)” First Principle Study of Structural, Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Topological Materials”

Areas of Specialization:
Condensed matter Physics, Semiconductor Physics and devices, Thin films, Material Science,Lattice dynamics and thermal properties of pure and mixed crystals, intercalated, superconducting and Superionic materials, General Boundary problems, Engineering Materials, Computational Material Science, Density functional Theory (DFT).
Subjects taught:
Material Science, Engineering Physics, Applied Physics, Modern Physics, Quantum physics, Solid State Physics to Engineering Students, Condensed Matter Physics to master students
Research Publications
(a)   SCI Journals publications with Impact Factor:
International: 80
National: 04
(b)  SCOPUS  publications:
International: 30

National: 04
Foreign Visits:
1. Japan for 3 Months (1998) as Post-doctoral fellow (Visiting scientist)
2. Japan for 3 Months (1999) as Post-doctoral fellow (Visiting scientist)
3. U.S.A. during August 12-17, 2001 to attend Phonons-2001
4. South Korea for 9 Months (2002-2003) as Post-doctoral fellow (Visiting scientist)
5. Taiwan during April 18-23, 2010 to attend Phonons-2010
6. Malaysia during August 8-11, 2017 to attend ACCMS-9

7. Portugal during July 24-26, 2024 to attend ANM-2024

Book Authored

Book authored

1.Guest editor of Asian Journal of Chemistry 21(10) (2009)
2. Editor, American Institute of Physics: Conference Proceedings 1675 (2015)

3. Editor, American Institute of Physics: Conference Proceedings 2352 (2021)

4. Editor, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2663 (2023)


Professional Memebership

Professional Membership

[a] Member New York Academy of Science, New York, U.S.A.
[b] Life member of Indian Society of Technical Education, New Delhi.
[c] Member, Indian Science Congress Association, Calcutta.
[d] Member, Indian Physics Association, Mumbai



[a] Awarded post doctoral fellowship of Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South
Korea, for 9 months duration in 2002-2003
[b] Awarded twice the post doctoral fellowship of Okayama University of Science,
Okayama, Japan each of 3 months duration in 1998 and 1999
[c] Selected for Pool Officer/ Senior Research Associate of CSIR, New Delhi (India)
under scientist pool scheme in 1994.
[d] Awarded Research Associateship of CSIR, India in 1990
[e] Awarded Research Associateship of UGC, India in 1991
[f] Awarded Junior Research Fellowship and Senior Research Fellowship of CSIR,
India during entire period (1985-1990) of doctoral work at I.I.T. Delhi



List of Publications
1)  Investigating the Effect of Soil Texture on Dielectric Properties of Soil by Using Square Patch Sensor
Swaranpreet Kaur, Surinder Singh and M M Sinha
Sensing and Imaging, 26:12 (2025)
2)  Design and Fabrication of a Low-Profile Planar Sensor for the Estimation of Plant-Available Water in Different Textured Soils
Swaranpreet Kaur, Surinder Singh and M. M. Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 63, 1000708 (2025)
3)  A Low Profile Self-Similar Geometry-Based Microwave Planar Sensor for Assessing the Impact of Organic Matter Content on Soil Field Capacity
Swaranpreet Kaur, Surinder Singh, M. M. Sinha, Dhivakar Rajendran  and Olfa Kanoun
IEEE Sensors Journal, VOL. XX, NO. XX, MONTH X, (2025)
4)  Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of Pds monolayer: A first principle approach
R Rani, B Rani, A Wani, MM Sinha
AIP Conference Proceedings 3149 (1) (2024)
5)  Design of dual port electromagnetic planar sensor based on single split ring topology
Swaranpreet Kaur; Surinder Singh; M. M. Sinha
AIP Conf. Proc. 3149, 130013 (2024) (https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0224462)
6)  Recent advances in two-dimensional transition metal oxides and di-chalcogenides as efficient thermoelectric materials”
Rekha Rani and M.M. Sinha
Phys. Scr. 99, 032002 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/ad25cf
7)  A First Principles Study of Stability, Electronic and Thermoelectric Characteristics of Novel High Temperature Half- Heusler Alloys ScAgX (X=Si,Ge,Sn)
Rekha Rani and M.M. Sinha
Physica B: Condensed Matter 692, 416377 (2024)  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2024.416377
8)  Prototype of Circular Split Ring Resonator-Based Sensor for Estimating Soil Moisture as a Function of Soil Particle Distribution
Swaranpreet Kaur, Surinder Singh and M M Sinha
IEEE Sensors Journal, 24 (19), 29945 (2024)
9)  Investigation of Plasmonic Properties of Egg-Like Multilayer Structures”
Pradeep Bhatia, S. S. Verma and M. M. Sinha
Plasmonics 18:83–94 (2023)  (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11468-022-01743-3)
10)  Design of 3-slot loaded with T-edge rectangular patch sensor for measurement of relative permittivity
Swaranpreet Kaur, Surinder Singh and M M Sinha
Materials Today: Proceedings 78, 798 (2023)
11)  Design of round corner rectangular planar sensor with DGS for measurement of   permitivities
Swaranpreet Kaur, Surinder Singh, M.M. Sinha
2023 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON) | 978-1-6654-6163-4/23
(DOI: 10.1109/APSCON56343.2023.10101318)
12)       Design of round corner rectangular planar sensor with circular slot for estimation of permittivity and conductivity of material
Swaranpreet Kaur, Surinder Singh, M.M. Sinha
2023 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON) | 978-1-6654-6163-4/23
(DOI: 10.1109/APSCON56343.2023.1010135)
13)       Topological Phase Transition and Lattice Dynamical Properties of Half-Heusler   XPtBi (X = Gd, Nd)
Megha Goyal and M.M. Sinha
Phys. Status Solidi B   2200463 (2023)
14)       LiNbCoX (X 5 Al, Ga) quaternary Heusler compounds for high-temperature thermoelectric properties: a computational approach
Jaspal Singh, Tavneet Kaur, Amrit Pal Singh, Megha Goyal, Kulwinder Kaur, Shakeel Ahmad Khandy, Ishtihadah Islam, Aadil Fayaz Wani, Ram Krishan,
M M Sinha and S S Verma
Bull. Mater. Sci. 46:103 (2023) (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12034-023-02945-z)
15)          Exploring structural, electronic, phonon, mechanical, elastic, thermodynamic, and   thermoelectric properties of the Li based quaternary Heusler LiTaCoAl by DFT: A multifunctional smart material
Jaspal Singh, Tavneet Kaur, Megha Goyal, Kulwinder Kaur, S.S. Verma, and         M.M.Sinha
Materials Today: Proceedings (2023) (in press)
16)        An ab initio investigation of electronic, elastic, mechanical and vibrational properties of Co2VX (X = Al, Ga)
Tavneet Kaur, Amrit Pal Singh, Jaspal Singh, M.M. Sinha
Materials Today: Proceedings (2023) (in press)
17)         Phase stability and thermoelectricity in topological Dirac semimetal Na3Bi
Megha Goyal and M.M. Sinha
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 167, 107760 (2023)
18)       To study the effect of strain engineering on the band gap of BaI2 monolayer: a first principle approach.
Rekha Rani and M.M. Sinha
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2663, 012038 (2023)
19)       Material characterization by using T- stub based microstrip patch sensor Swaranpreet Kaur, Surinder Singh and M M Sinha
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2663, 012054 (2023)
20)       Effect of spin-polarisation on structural, electronic, and lattice dynamical properties of MnY2Ga Full Heusler alloy
Yuhit Gupta, M. M. Sinha and S. S. Verma
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 624, 413425 (2022)
21)       Probing the elastic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of Weyl semimetals ZrX (X=S and Te)
Yuhit Gupta, M.M. Sinha, S.S. Verma
Pramana 96 (2), 75 (2022)
22)       Effect of pressure on dynamical stability, electronic and thermoelectric properties of equiatomic quaternary Heusler alloy LaCoTiGe
Yuhit Gupta, M.M. Sinha, S.S. Verma
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 141, 106432 (2022)
23)       Ab-initio study of mechanical and thermoelectric properties of topological semimetal: LaAuPb
Megha Goyal and M.M. Sinha
Physica Scripta  97, 015701 (2022)
24)       Effect of Spin Orbit Coupling on Antiperovskites: Sr3BO (B= Pb, Sn)
Tavneet Kaur and M. M. Sinha
Phys. Scr. 97, 045701 (2022)
25)       First principles calculation to investigate Li based quaternary Heusler compounds LiHfCoX (X= Ge, Sn) for thermoelectric applications”
Tavneet Kaur, Jaspal Singh, Megha Goyal, Kulwinder Kaur, Shakeel Ahmad Khandy, Muzzammil Ahmad Bhat, Utkirjon Sharopov, Shobhna Dhiman, Aadil Fayaz Wani, Bindu Rani, M.M. Sinha and S. S. Verma
Phys. Scr.  97 105706 (2022)
26)       Nanogap effects on plasmonic properties of dimmer
Pradeep Bhatia, S. S. Verma and M. M. Sinha
Optical and Quantum Electronics 56:663 (2022)
27)    A Search for Thermoelectric and Vibrational Properties of High Potential Dirac Semimetal Ca3PbO: An ab Initio Study
Tavneet Kaur and M.M. Sinha
Materials Today communications 26, 101741 (2021)
28)    First-principles investigation on the electronic, mechanical and lattice dynamical properties of novel AlNiX (X=As and Sb) half-Heusler alloys
Yuhit Gupta, M. M. Sinha & S. S. Verma
Materials Today communications 26,101885 (2021)
29)       First-principle study of structural, electronic, thermoelectric and vibrational properties of Co2-based Weyl semimetal VCo2Al
Tavneet Kaur and Murari Mohan Sinha
Bull Mater Sci (2021) 44:27
30)       Probing thermoelectric properties of high potential Ca3PbO: An Ab Initio study.
Tavneet Kaur and M.M. Sinha
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering1033, 012080 (2021)
31)       Revealing the trend of Structural, Electronic, Mechanical and Vibrational properties in Co2VX (X= Si, Ge, Sn)
Tavneet Kaur and M.M. Sinha
J. Solid State Chemistry 297, 122065 (2021)
32)       Effect of Spin-Orbital coupling on the Electronic, Mechanical, Thermoelectric and Vibrational properties of XPtBi (X= Sc and Y): A First Principle Study
Megha Goyal and M.M. Sinha
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 153, 110024 (2021) DOI:10.1016/j.jpcs.2021.110024
33)       Theoretical study of thermo-dynamical and thermoelectric properties of novel half-Heusler alloys AlNiAs and AlNiSb
Yuhit Gupta, M. M. Sinha & S. S. Verma
Materials Today communications 27, 102195 (2021)
34)       Optical Absorption Analysis of Core-Shell type Ni@Ag/Au & NiFe@Ag/Au Magneto-Plasmonic Nanostructures
Pradeep Bhatia, S S Verma, and M. M. Sinha
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 268, 107646 (2021)
35)       Investigations of mechanical and thermoelectric properties of ‘AlNiP’ novel half-Heusler alloy
Yuhit Gupta, M. M. Sinha and S. S. Verma
Materials Chemistry and Physics 265, 124518 (2021)
36)    A DFT Based Computation of Structural, Elastic and Mechanical Properties of VCo2Al
Tavneet Kaur, M. M. Sinha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2352, 020027 (2021)
37)    Theoretical investigation of electronic and vibrational properties of topological semimetal LaAuPb
Megha Goyal and M. M. Sinha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2352, 020053 (2021)
38)    Thermoelectric Properties of Weyl Semi-metal ZrTe
Yuhit Gupta, M. M. Sinha and S. S. Verma
AIP Conference Proceedings 2352, 020064 (2021)
39)    Phonon Dispersion and Density of States of Fe2SiO4 in Spinel Phase
Harleen Kaur and M. M. Sinha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2352, 020095 (2021)
40)    Theoretical Calculation of Absorption Properties of NiFe@Au Core-Shell Nanoparticles
Pradeep Bhatia, S. S. Verma and M. M. Sinha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2352, 040003 (2021)
41)    Exploring the structural, elastic, lattice dynamical stability and thermoelectric properties of semiconducting novel quaternary Heusler alloy LiScPdPb
Yuhit Gupta, M.M. Sinha, S.S. Verma
J. Solid State Chemistry 304, 122601 (2021)
42)    Tunable plasmonic properties of elongated bimetallic alloys nanoparticles towards deep UV-NIR absorbance and sensing
Pradeep Bhatia, S S Verma, and M M Sinha
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 241, 106751 (2020)
43)    Study of Phonon Dynamics of Calcium Chalcogenides from First Principles Method
Megha Goyal, M M Sinha
Materials Today: Proceedings 21, 2059 (2020)
44)    Size-dependent Optical Response of Complex CoFe@Ag & CoFe@Au Coreshell Nanospheres
Pradeep Bhatia, S.S. Verma, M.M. Sinha
Chemical Physics Letters 745, 137272 (2020)
45)    First Principle Study of Structural, Elastic, Mechanical and Phonon Properties of c-HfO2
Megha Goyal, Tavneet Kaur and M.M. Sinha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2220, 130075 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0001408
46)    First Principle Study of structural and electronic properties of cubic inverse perovskite Ca3PbO
Tavneet Kaur, Megha Goyal and M.M. Sinha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2220, 130076 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0001420
47)    Lattice dynamics of novel Heusler alloys MnY2Z (Z= Al and Si)
Yuhit Gupta, M.M. Sinha, S.S. Verma
Physica B: Condensed Matter 590, 412222 (2020)
48)    Magneto-Plasmonic Co@M (M=Au/Ag/Au-Ag) Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Biological Imaging and Therapeutics
Pradeep Bhatia, S S Verma, and M M Sinha
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 251, 107095 (2020)
49)    On the potential for superconductivity in ZrX (X = S and Te): a first principles study
Yuhit Gupta, M.M. Sinha, S.S. Verma
Physica C: superconductivity and its applications, 577, 1353714 (2020)
50)    Theoretical study of structural, electronic and lattice dynamical properties of novel AlNiP half Heusler alloy
Yuhit Gupta, M. M. Sinha & S. S. Verma
Philosophical Magazine, 100 (22), 2785 (2020)
51) Tunable optical response of Fe-Ag nanoparticles in core-Shell nanostructures
Pradeep Bhatia, S.S. Verma & M.M. Sinha
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 34 (14), 1888 (2020)
52) Tunable optical properties of Ni–Ag and Ni–Au nanoparticles in magneto‑plasmonic nanostructures    Pradeep Bhatia, S. S. Varma and M. M. Sinha
Optical and Quantum Electronics 52, 473 (2020)
53) First principle study of structural, electronic and vibrational properties of 3C-SiC
Tavneet Kaur and M.M. Sinha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2265, 030384 (2020)
54. Optical Properties Simulation of Magneto-Plasmonic Alloys Nanostructures
Pradeep Bhatia, S. S. Verma and M. M. Sinha
Plasmonics 14, 611 (2019) (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11468-018-0839-7)
55. Size-Dependent RIS and FOM of Ag-Fe and Au-Fe Bimetallic Alloys in Triangular Prism: a DDA Study
Pradeep Bhatia, S. S. Verma, and M. M. Sinha
Photonic Sensors 9 (3) 246 (2019) DOI: 10.1007/s13320-019-0547-8.(2019)
56. Optical absorption properties of Fe/Co/Ni-Au core-shell nanostructures
Pradeep Bhatia, S. S. Verma and M. M. Sinha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2142, 050006 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5122372
57. Tuning the optical properties of Fe-Au core-shell nanoparticles with spherical and spheroidal nanostructures
P Bhatia, S S Verma and M M Sinha
Physics Letters A 383 (2019) 2542–2550
58. A First Principle Study of Structural, Electronic and Vibrational Properties of LuPdBi HalfHeusler Alloy
Yuhit Gupta, M.M. Sinha and S.S.Verma
Phys. Stat. Solidi B 256 (10) 1900117 (2019)
59. Structural and lattice dynamical study of half Heusler alloys RuMnX (X = P, As)
Yuhit Gupta, M.M. Sinha and S.S.Verma
AIP Conference Proceedings 2162, 020003 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5130213
60. Size-dependent Optical Response of Magneto-plasmonic Core-shell Nanoparticles
Pradeep Bhatia, S.S. Verma, and M.M. Sinha
Advanced Nano Res. 1, 01 (2018)
61. Size and surrounding medium effect on plasmonic properties for some core-shellmagneto-plasmonic nanospheres
Pradeep Bhatia, S.S. Verma, and M.M. Sinha
ISST Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 9 No. 1, 35 (2018)
62. Study of interatomic interactions and phonons in magnesium chalcogenides
Yuhit Gupta and M. M. Sinha
AIP Conf. Proc. 1953 C, 110016-1–110016-4 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5033041
63. Phonon properties of iron-based superconductors
Yuhit Gupta, Megha Goyal, and M. M. Sinha
AIP Conf. Proc. 1953 C, 110028-1–110028-4 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5033053
64. Tunable Plasmonic Properties of Ag-Fe Nanoparticles
Pradeep Bhatia, S.S. Verma and M.M. Sinha
AIP Conf. Proc. 1953 B, 060009-1–060009-4 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5032740
65. Optical Properties Tunability of Magneto-Plasmonic Nanostructures: A Review
Pradeep Bhatia, S.S. Verma, M. M. Sinha
J. Nano Tech. and Its Appl. in Engg.Volume 3 Issue 1, 1-21 (2018)
66. Vibrational Properties of Magnesium Chalcogenides
Shivani Bansal and M.M. Sinha
ISST Journal of Applied Physics Vol.8 No.2, 21(2017)
67. Lattice Dynamical Properties of the Rare-Earth Dihydrides XH2 (X=Sc, Y, and La)
M. M. Sinha
Asian Journal of Physical and Chemical Sciences 4(1): 1-6 (2017)
68. Optical Response of Coated Iron Oxide(s) Nanoparticles Towards Biomedical Applications
Pradeep Bhatia, Suram Singh Verma, Murari Mohan Sinha
American Journal of Optics and Photonics 5(6), 67-72 (2017)
69. Phonon properties of wurtzite phase of group-III nitrides
Daljit singh and M. M. Sinha
Wulfenia Journal 23, 3 (2016)
70. Specific heat and phonon density of state of cubic phase of protonic conductor LaAlO3
Anupam Deep Sharma and M. M. Sinha
AIP: Conf. Proc. 1728, 020316 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4946367
71. Study of vibrational modes and specific heat of wurtzite phase of BN
Daljit Singh and M. M. Sinha
AIP Conf. Proc. 1728, 020329 (2016); doi:10.1063/1.4946380
72. Lattice dynamical study of Raman and infrared modes in Mg2SiO4
Harleen Kaur, Ruby Jindal and M. M. Sinha
AIP Conf. Proc. 1728, 020134 (2016); doi:10.1063/1.4946185
73. Study of lattice dynamics of Fe2SiO4 and Mg2SiO4 spinels
M. M. Sinhaand Harleen Kaur
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 759,012046 (2016)
74. Lattice dynamical study of Ba2−xSrxNiWO6 (x = 1)
Shaveen Garg and M. M. Sinha
AIP: Conf. Proc. 1675, 030011 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4929227 [Impact factor: 0.14]
75. Study of vibrational modes in protonic conductor LaAlO3
Anupam Deep Sharma and M. M. Sinha
AIP: Conf. Proc. 1675, 030016 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4929232 [Impact factor: 0.14]
76. Zone centre mode behavior of ternary mixed nitrides InxGa1−xN
Daljit Singh and M. M. Sinha
AIP: Conf. Proc. 1675, 030082 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4929298 [Impact factor: 0.14]
77. A lattice dynamical investigation of Raman and infrared wavenumbers of USiO4
Harleen Kaur and M. M. Sinha
AIP: Conf. Proc. 1675, 030085 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4929301 [Impact factor: 0.14]
78. A lattice dynamical investigation of the Raman and the infrared phonons of TmPO4Crystal
Ruby Jindal, Harleen Kaur, and M. M. Sinha
AIP: Conf. Proc. 1675,030086 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4929302 [Impact factor: 0.14]
79. Lattice dynamical investigations of Raman and infrared wavenumbers of scheelite structured silicates
Harleen Kaur and M. M. Sinha
Physica B 478, 47 (2015) [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 1.056]
80. Study of Raman and Infrared Modes in Reidite
Harleen Kaur and M. M. Sinha
Adv. Sci. Lett. 21, 2895-2897 (2015)
81. A Normal Co-ordinate Analysis of AMoO4 crystals (A = Sr, Ba, Pb)
Ruby Jindal, H.C.Gupta and M.M.Sinha
Philosophical Magazine 94:2, 208 (2014) [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 1.44]
82. Investigation of Raman and infrared modes for Sr doped double perovskite oxides Ba2xSrxMWO6 (M= Ni, Co); for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.2
Shaveen Garg, M.M. Sinha and H.C. Gupta
Physica B 433, 107 (2014) [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 1.056]
83. Lattice Dynamics of Proton Conductor SrZrO3 in Orthorhombic Phase
Anupam Deep Sharma and M.M. Sinha
AIP: Conf. Proc. 1591, 1072 (2014) [Impact factor: 0.14]
84. Lattice Dynamical investigations for Raman and Infrared Frequencies of Te Doped Bi1-xTa1-xTe2xO4; 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2
Shaveen Garg, M.M. Sinha and H.C. Gupta
Spectrochimica Acta: Part A 130, 76 (2014) [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 1.99]
85. Study of zone centre phonons in wolframite ZnWO4
Ruby Jindal, Murari Mohan Sinha and Hem Chandra Gupta
Turk. J. Phys. 37, 107 (2013) [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 0.172]
86. Lattice dynamics of protonic conductors AZrO3 (A= ba, Sr & Pb): a comparative study
A. Sharma and M.M.sinha
Adv. Mat. Res. 685, 191 (2013) [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 0.141]
87. Interatomic interaction and zone center phonons in multiferroic BiFeO3 ceramics
M.M.Sinha, Ruby and H.C.Gupta
Int. J. Modern physics: Conf. Series 22, 134 (2013)
88. Lattice dynamical investigations for Raman and the infrared frequencies of Cs2HgCl4
Shaveen Garg, M.M. Sinha and H.C. Gupta
Int. J. Modern physics: Conf. Series 22, 694 (2013)
89. Study of Raman and Infrared modes of NaCdAsS3
Shaveen Garg, M.M. Sinha and H.C. Gupta
Physica B 422, 1 (2013) [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 1.056]
90. Lattice vibrations of AVO4 crystals (A= Lu,Yb,Dy,Tb,Ce)
Ruby Jindal, M.M.Sinha and H.C.Gupta
Spectrochimica Acta: part A 113, 286 (2013) [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 1.99]
91. Lattice Dynamical Study of NaCdAsS3
Shaveen Garg, M.M. Sinha and H.C. Gupta
AIP: Conf. Proc. 1536, 1242 (2013) [Impact factor: 0.14]
92. Dynamical Properties of Group-III Nitrides in Cubic Phase
Daljit Singh and M. M. Sinha
Int. J. Sci. & Engg. Res., 4(6), 2694 (2013)
93. Normal coordinates analysis of GdVO4 rare earth compounds
Ruby Jindal, M.M.Sinha and H.C.Gupta
AIP: Conf. Proc. 1536, 869 (2013) [Impact factor: 0.14]
94. Phonon Dispersion of Perovskite Protonic Conductor SrTiO3
Anupam Deep Sharma and M.M. Sinha
Int. J. Engineering Res. & Tech., AMRP-2013 Conf. Proc. 20 (2013)
95. Study of Zone Center Phonons in CdWO4
Ruby Jindal, H.C.Gupta and M.M.Sinha
Int. J. Engineering Res. & Tech., AMRP-2013 Conf. Proc. 85 (2013)
96. Lattice Dynamical Investigations for Insulating Cs2CdBr4 in Orthorhombic Phase
Shaveen Garg, M.M. Sinha and H.C. Gupta
Int. J. Engineering Res. & Tech., AMRP-2013 Conf. Proc. 99 (2013)
97. A lattice dynamical investigation of the Raman and the infrared wavenumbers of MnWO4
H.C.Gupta, Ruby and M.M.Sinha
Acta Physica Polonica A 122, 142 (2012) [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 0.364]
98. Phonon spectra of superionic sodium and potassium oxides
M. M. Sinha and Anupamdeep Sharma
Solid State Ionics 225, 211 (2012) [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 2.491]
99. honon properties of a multiferroic BiFeO3 in cubic phase
M. M. Sinha and Ruby
Int. J. Sci. Env. Tech. 1(4), 268 (2012) [Indexed]
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104. Phonon properties of protonic conductor SrZrO3 in cubic phase
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106. Study of phonons in CaSiO3 perovskite at lower mantle pressure
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110. Phonon Dispersion in Intermetallic Compounds AuGa2 and PtGa2
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111. Phonons and Interatomic interactions in Magnesium orthosilicate
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112. Effect of Impurity Location on Normal Mode Frequencies of a Finite Linear Chain under a General Boundary Condition
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114. Distribution of phonon frequencies in superconducting oxide spinels (Li,Mg)1+xTi2-xO4
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115. Analysis of Vibrational modes and Phonon density of States of Aluminate Spinels
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116. Effects of Cl-Cl interaction on phonon dispersion in perovskite type CsPbCl3
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117. Study of zone-center phonons in lithium manganese oxide
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118. Phonons in Mixed Superionic Fluorites (BaF2)1-x(LaF3)x
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119. Study of Phonons and normal mode analysis of superionic conductors
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120. Study of Phonons in superconducting oxide spinels (Li,Mg)1+xTi2-xO4
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122. Effect of interionic interactions on the phonon frequencies of layered aluminosilicate compounds
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123. Vibrational analysis of zone center phonons in sulphospinels AgIn5S8 & CuIn5S8
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